



作为一名摄影和媒体艺术专业的学生. 爱德华的, you’ll go beyond creating photographs to understanding the messages they encode in our highly visual culture. 

This concept-driven degree program produces image makers who are passionate about generating sophisticated visual communication. 学习传统模拟, film-based photography and darkroom printing as you build on the basics with digital imaging. You’ll become well-versed in both black-and-white and color still photography as well as video/film narratives. 

You’ll learn to work in a professional studio setting and take elective courses focused on 纪录片 photography, 创造性探索和替代过程.  And you’ll gain a full understanding of the big picture: how the technology and uses of photography have changed over time, 以及如何帮助塑造摄影的未来.

为什么要在圣. 爱德华的?

Whether you choose to pursue your talent for visual storytelling through commercial, fine art or 纪录片 photography or video — one thing is certain: The advantages of your St. 爱德华的教育将为你的成功做好准备. You’ll find opportunities in and outside the classroom to learn, give back and achieve your goals. 你的导师会支持你前进的每一步.  


Learn in small classes taught by award-winning professors who make a point of getting to know you. 他们会帮助你确定并专注于你的目标, 定义和培养你的视觉风格, 并在你大学期间和毕业后提供指导和见解.


Collaborate with talented and committed faculty members and peers who share your enthusiasm for building ideas with visual tools. Grow in your ability to develop and communicate ideas through imagery and to respond to changes in techniques, 科技与社会. 


掌握你的手艺和锐化你的投资组合与实践经验. 与商业摄影师进行为期一个学期的实习, 媒体组织, 营销公司, 电影制作公司, 博物馆, 视频游戏工作室或其他专业设置. 


为毕业后的下一步计划寻求支持. 在专业实践课程中, you’ll explore career options available in the field and develop and fine-tune a portfolio of your work that’s reviewed in class. You’ll also learn career management skills and strategies for success as a creative professional.



奥斯汀是美国发展最快的城市之一.S. 也是媒体艺术、电影制作、视频游戏开发和娱乐的中心. 我们在奥斯汀的位置, partnerships and connections allow you to immerse yourself in dynamic opportunities for pursuing internships and careers in the visual arts. 


摄影和媒体艺术专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子:

  • 时尚设计师兼《365bet足球比分》评委
  • 纽约修图工作室的所有者和创始人
  • VICE传媒副制片人
  • 布鲁克林powerHouse Books的宣传总监, 哪家专营美术, 纪录片, 流行文化, 时尚与名人书籍
  • 德州基督教大学美术馆经理
  • 富布赖特学者
  • 美术硕士毕业生 
  • 自由野生动物摄影



获得摄影与媒体艺术学士学位需要学习51个小时的专业课程, 其中包括视觉研究和摄影课程的结合.

学生完成6小时的摄影选修课程, 关注一系列不同的话题. 过去的主题包括:安装策略, 纪实摄影, 数字暗房, 替代工艺和摄影书籍设计.

这个学位需要4257 hours of general education courses that students complete over four years in addition to their major courses and electives. There is ample opportunity to minor in other areas in addition to the major and general education courses.

浏览及下载 摄影和媒体艺术的完整学位计划 (PDF)主要.


  • 中级数码成像: Students build visual solutions while learning and working with techniques such as panoramic imagery, 大规模合成图像打印, 图像后期制作和手工书籍.
  • 大相机 -本课程在黑白摄影的重点是使用取景相机, 视景相机光学, 计量技术和基本区域系统技术.
  • 工作室和外景项目 -本课程向学生介绍工作室的专业用途, 工作室灯光和工作室制作技术.
  • Video – This course is an introduction to the theory and technical aspects of video production with an emphasis on the aesthetic and communicative potential of the medium.

有关更多详情和课程描述,请查看并下载 本科课程简报(PDF).



  • Cultivate your ability to think and create while mastering contemporary digital imaging technologies.
  • 拍摄和处理黑白胶片.
  • 获得视频/电影叙事创作的经验.
  • 制作银色的明胶照片.
  • 用当代数字技术开辟新天地.
  • 通过像纪实摄影这样的选修课,跳出思维定式, 摄影书籍设计和其他媒体艺术的方法.  
  • 摄影和表演专业素质, 后期制作技术和DAM(数字资产管理)的工作. 


每个摄影和媒体艺术专业的学生都要完成一个学期的实习课程. 学生曾与专业商业摄影师合作, 媒体制作公司, 国家网络附属电视台, 奥斯汀历史中心, 还是纪录片制片人. They have also interned with well-known exhibition venues including those specializing in work by women artists and Latino/indigenous artists of color. 实习在当地和奥斯汀以外的地方进行.



Students majoring in 摄影与媒体艺术 study leading digital imaging practices and learn traditional darkroom and (analog) film-based camera skills. 美国各地有许多摄影课程.S. 是否缩减或取消了他们的湿工艺设施. St. 爱德华的 maintains a fully-equipped photo lab that allows students to print 35mm to 4x5 inch film. 学生还可以获得视频/电影叙事创作的经验. 


In addition to the digital capture/scanning and large format printing facilities you should expect at any top-line university program, 我们提供冲洗胶片的暗房设备, 印刷和替代工艺. Large-format cameras and lenses; studio and location strobe equipment; portable flashes, 三脚, and light meters; and other equipment are available for students to check out at no charge. 

我们的专业工作室设施也教授工作室和外景技巧. Digital work is completed in the Visu Printing Lab equipped with scanners and large format printers dedicated to the 视觉研究 部门.


The 部门 of 视觉研究 Fine Arts Gallery is a teaching space featuring rotating exhibitions from outside the university and exhibits by current students. 绘画, 版画, 安装, video, 雕塑, 陶瓷, 设计和摄影展出, 取决于赛季的日程安排. 

课程可以支持任何其他学术课程, and students majoring in other fields are welcome to minor in 摄影与媒体艺术. 此外,一些课程可以作为非专业选修.


  • 视觉研究I
  • 模拟摄影I
  • 风格 & 主题(主题因学期而异)
  • 中级数字成像
  • 摄影史



此外,学生还选修本专业的三门选修课. 学生可以选择的课程包括:

  • 风格和主题(当主题变化时可重复)
  • 工作室和外景项目
  • 摄影与媒体艺术主题

还有他们教授的个人关注和指导, our students have access to offices and programs outside of the classroom that support their success. We encourage students to take advantage of these resources that help them thrive and excel: 了解更多365比分网电竞的学生支持服务.


西比尔米勒 brings to her photographic work and teaching a broad background in research-driven creative work and a love of interdisciplinary practice. 她还致力于动物福利问题, 尤其是那些影响纯种马的, 她拥有两个. A long-standing interest in the photographic social document and ephemeral remnants of American culture underlies Miller’s work. 从1995年到2004年, she completed a series of photographs taken in state capitols titled: “Statesmen – Pictures from the Fifty State Capitols,” where she photographed and re-interpreted the portraits of former governors from each of the fifty states, 建立个人的管理大厅, 一群推销员, 日场的偶像和傻瓜, 以及受人尊敬的普通人. Her more recent works include the audio/video 安装 “Lay Down Your Bandoliers,以及两个正在进行中的纪录短片项目.

Joe Vitone是一位纪实美术摄影师和教育家. Vitone教授传统以及数码摄影和电子媒体. 2001年,他是哥斯达黎加的高级富布赖特学者. He has lectured on his photography in China, 法国, 日本, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. 参与国际教育, 他曾带领美国学生到中国学习, 法国, 日本, 和泰国. His work has been widely exhibited and is held in numerous collections including the Cleveland Museum of Art, 创意摄影中心, 美术博物馆, 休斯顿, 以及史密森学会美国国家历史博物馆.